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作者: Jasmine Li

This article explores the multifaceted landscape of cloning technology, tracing its origins from Dolly, the cloned lamb in 1996, to its present applications and ethical considerations. Cloning involves using biotechnology to replicate offspring through asexual reproduction, preserving the exact genome of the original organism. The discussion begins with the fundamental principles and classification of cloning techniques, encompassing plant cloning for agricultural advancements and animal cloning primarily in the medical field, notably regenerative medicine. The article delves into the ethical controversies surrounding cloning, especially in the realm of human cloning, which has prompted global prohibitions. Despite the potential contributions of cloning to humanity, such as conserving endangered species and reviving extinct ones, the technology remains experimental and laden with uncertainties, including survival rates and ethical concerns. The article concludes by contemplating the future applications of cloning and its potential benefits to human society, emphasizing the need for continued exploration and ethical considerations.

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