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Harvard Medical School has Developed a New Chemical Molecule that Could Reverse Aging

Author | Olivia Qian

Editor丨Valuri Yang

01  Abstract 

Recently, in a study, scientists at Harvard Medical School discovered a new molecule, CUDC-907, in the fight against aging and age-related diseases. It selectively destroys senescent cells in a zombie state without affecting healthy cells. Not only can this delay aging and improve quality of life and longevity, but the molecule can also effectively eliminate senescent cells that remain in the body after cancer treatment.

02   Keywords

Aging, Mitochondria, Cancer, DNA, NCC system

03   Experiment process

In this study, the researchers explored molecules capable of simultaneously reversing cellular aging and restoring vitality to human cells. They developed a cell-based assay, known as NCC, to distinguish between young and senescent cells.

The team used advanced cell-based assays to identify six chemical mixtures, some of which are used to treat a variety of physical and mental illnesses. These drugs can be used to treat epilepsy, depression, or Parkinson's disease.

In addition, the research team conducted experiments and studies on mice and monkeys and found that the chemical mixture can rejuvenate mouse and monkey cells, improve vision and prolong life. It turns out that these chemical combinations can restore genes to a youthful state, reversing transcriptome age in less than a week, and studies of various organs and tissues such as the optic nerve, brain tissue, kidneys, and muscles in animals have yielded encouraging results. 

04   Result

Using a signature known as aging-related secretion phenotype (SASP), the scientists found that aging is related to cell morphology, chromatin structure, and the release of inflammatory factors, and found that Yamanaka factors OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4 (OSK) can restore the initial form and function of senescent cells.

The researchers are now planning human clinical trials to test the safety and effectiveness of the chemical mixture. The implications of this new discovery are far-reaching, and by developing chemical alternatives to reverse aging, this research could revolutionize the treatment of aging, injury, and age-related diseases, with enough potential to save money and time.

05   Risks and difficulties

Although scientists have developed new chemical molecules that can reverse aging, there may be unintended consequences and side effects. Another risk is human complexity. Although it has achieved great success in animal experiments, there can be surprises when it is translated into the human body. In addition, aging can raise ethical issues, and these interventions may affect social class inequality, leading to social chaos.

06 A natural compound that can fight aging

1. Vitamin A compounds, such as retinol and retinoic acid, can make crow's feet and dark spots fade and improve photoaging.

2. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and reduces fine lines and wrinkles

3. Peptides, these molecules are natural components of living organisms that stimulate collagen production and make skin glow.

4. Grape seed extract, the anti-aging effect mainly comes from proanthocyanidins, which can remove toxic free radicals in the human body and protect cell tissues from free radical oxidation.

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